Every EMM worker’s primary focus is to make disciples of Jesus. This internship will enhance the Christian-Muslim Relation Team’s (CMRT) mission of equipping Christians for their interactions with Muslims. The CMRT seeks a student or professional 18 years or older with skills in one of the following areas:
Curriculum development
Storytelling / Communications
Website development
Assisting in teaching events
The successful candidate could be an upper-level student in a degree program involving the skills above, with interest in Christian/Muslim relations, missions in a Muslim ministry context, or intention to be involved in long-term irenic ministry among Muslims.
Participate in the life of the CMRT in making disciples of Jesus, while serving in one of the following assignment options:
- Videography / editing
CMRT seeks a videographer to film stories and create videos for use on our website, in training and equipping, and in curriculum development.- Create a collection of videos based on the life and experience of David and Grace Shenk, with particular focus on connecting with younger generations
- Add English subtitles to a series of videos on our website,
Successful candidates would have technical skills and training in media communication or film production, who can demonstrate (portfolio) previous experience of recording and editing to produce a short video. - Curriculum development
CMRT seeks a curriculum developer to take existing CMRT materials and transform them into short self-directed study courses. This might include the development of Sunday School materials for high school students or adults. It could also be the creation of online courses or forums for use in conjunction with existing materials. The successful candidate could be a bible or missions major with high-level ability to read, comprehend complex material, organize and produce a lesson.
- Videography / editing
- Storytelling / Communications
CMRT is looking for a storyteller to collect, write and share in multiple media formats (print, digital or video) stories from CMRT members. These stories could be used on CMRT and EMM website, for developing curriculum for churches, school and other communities. Candidates would be upper-level communications majors.
- Website development
CMRT seeks a website developer with high-level technical skills to maintain and upgrade the current websites. The successful candidate would be majoring in web development and demonstrate skills in coding, SEO and website creation.
- Assisting in teaching events
CMRT seeks an assistant to accompany team members on brief international or local teaching trips. This person would assist in preparations for the classes/talks, help with documentation, manage set-up tasks, and benefit from the teaching resources
Potential Learning Opportunities:
- Develop skills in dialogue, witness, peacemaking, and hospitality
- Grow in the development of life-giving relationships with Muslims and bearing witness to Jesus Christ.
- Come alongside CMRT team members in their ministry engagements and take advantage of opportunities to observe and apply principles for engaging Muslims in life-giving ways and witness-bearing ways.
Lancaster, Pa. — where the CMRT is based — is a semi-rural tourism- and agriculture-based county with a small but thriving city. Over the past decade, Lancaster has become a destination for refugees from many nations; this has significantly altered the demographics of the area. Members of the CMRT are all connected with the Mennonite church, but also relate to multiple mission, academic, and ecumenical circles. A workspace will be provided for the intern if needed — possibly in the EMM office or in the home office of one of the team members. *This internship could also be completed remotely.
Supervisors and colleagues
The mission intern will work with EMM’s Christian/Muslim Relations Team, which includes team leader, Jonathan Bornman, Andres Prins, and Angie Earl, Michael and Ruth Hershey, and Peter Sensenig. A mentor will be assigned to provide oversight and accountability to the intern.
Skills and experience
Experience with communications, videography and computer technology is required. Applicants should enjoy working behind the scenes in detailed and technical tasks. Sensitive and secure communication about CMRT work is essential due to the nature of the work.
Length of Service:
- 2-6 months (Full-time, or part-time based on intern availability and commitment) / can be scheduled during a college semester or summer
Interns will engage in one week of Launch discipleship mission training, along with other short-term mission interns and long-term mission workers. Prior to the training, interns will participate in at least three self-study modules and will be assigned an internship mentor. Interns will have an orientation to their assignment and community.
College credit / internship requirements:
EMM will work with each intern and their college to ensure that college internship requirements are met.
Funding and Compensation:
Mission interns are offered a stipend of up to $1500 per month (prorated for part-time service) that is covered through the combination of CMRT funds and contributions from their church community. Upon approval, a letter will be sent to the intern’s church to invite them into this process. If housing is needed, EMM will work with the intern and their church community to explore options.
Questions? Contact Dave Harnish